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Writer's pictureElmira Arthur

7 Planes of Existence

Let’s discuss our subtle planes of existence in more detail. This is an approximate diagram of the structure of our subtle bodies. The first body after the physical one is the etheric body. The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body. More precisely, the physical body is a copy of the etheric body, as the etheric body determines the form of the physical body, meaning the physical form. It serves as a kind of matrix, according to which the human body materializes.

Plans of existence, subtle, bodies, etheric body, energy, etheric, memory, Elmira Arthur, San Diego, California, Regession Therapy
7 Planes of Existence

Each organ and each cell of the body are built from within the etheric body. Energy channels, known as meridians in Eastern medicine, run through this body. You may have heard of them. The etheric body is responsible for our appearance and shape. For instance, when we injure a part of the body, it heals by returning to its original place and form, thanks to the matrix of the etheric body.

The etheric body extends slightly beyond the physical body, mirroring its contours. Although in reality, it is the physical body that mirrors the contours of the etheric body. You can imagine it like this: first, a form is prepared in space, and everything materializes within it on the physical level. For example, a plant's leaf fills the form of the etheric body, which appeared earlier. Thus, a birch tree will not grow a palm leaf because the birch's etheric body has the form of birch leaves. The same happens with the cells of our body, which grow along the energetic lines of the etheric matrix. The etheric body is the densest of the subtle bodies and is considered the lowest body of a person. It is also called the sheath of the soul, containing the scroll, a copy of the divine plan, which must be manifested in material form.

The etheric body is also known as the body of memory, the energetic matrix that governs the growth and development of the physical body. Distortions in the organization of the etheric matrix can lead to pathological cell growth. Therefore, the state of the etheric body can reveal diseases weeks and months before they manifest physically. Breaches often occur in the etheric body, as you may have experienced with the scalpel during exercises. The etheric body can be seen with the physical eyes if you look at your fingertips with a diffused gaze, without focusing directly on them.

On a dark background, the etheric body is especially visible. It looks like the glow seen from hot asphalt on a sunny day. This glow is the etheric body. The emotional body, next in density, helps us understand the emotional states of others. For instance, an irritated customer can spoil the mood of a saleswoman, who then takes it out on the next customers. A calm person, on the other hand, can alleviate irritation in a nervous person.

The emotional body can vary in size depending on the strength of emotions. It can interact with the bodies of other people, explaining our perception of others' emotions. Depending on the emotions experienced, the emotional body changes its colors and intensity. It is one of the four lower bodies of a person, meant to be a conduit for the desires and feelings of God.

The mental body is even subtler than the emotional body. It has no definite form and can penetrate far following our thoughts. It contains all the mental concepts, beliefs, and programs we worked on in regressive therapy. Thoughts form patterns on the mental body, influencing our behavior. The mental body is also one of the four lower bodies, intended to become a conduit for the mind of God.

The Causal body contains information about all our lives and incarnations. Enriching this body with new experiences allows us to learn and develop. Until a lesson is learned, a person will encounter certain situations repeatedly. Solving tasks at the level of the causal body affects all other bodies of a person.

The Buddhic body connects a person with humanity. It consists of higher energies and spiritual knowledge, combined into wisdom. Upon reaching this level, a person no longer needs incarnations, as all aspects of their individuality are subordinated. The Buddhic body is called the body of light. It symbolizes the ideal state of the physical body.

The atmic body is the divine spark within us, the highest body. The concept of the seven bodies of a person explains their spiritual development and shows the path from the initial stages to the highest levels.

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