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Writer's pictureElmira Arthur

Egregores and The Golden Calf, a positive egregore of wealth and prosperity.

I would like to talk about a very interesting and ambiguous topic - egregores. To start, I want to remind you that the universe is our cosmos. It is a collection of various beings and entities, a system where myriad beings exist on different levels, each with its own functions and place. You can imagine the world as a multi-tiered structure, with each tier filled with a specific type of energy. The entire world is like a layered cake: physical matter, etheric matter, astral, mental, informational, buddhic, and atmic layers. Different beings and entities live and manifest in all these layers.

Egregors, The Golden Calf, wealth, prosperity, abundance, Elmira Arthur, San Diego, California
Egregores and The Golden Calf, a positive egregore of wealth and prosperity.

From this perspective, if we look at our Earth, it can also be seen as a geological formation. Physical matter corresponds to everything related to geology, the physical matter of the Earth. The atmosphere can be viewed as an etheric formation. The astral layer consists of centers created by humans, animals, nature elementals, astral entities, and our emotions, which are also linked to the astral plane. The mental layer of the planet is made up of vast amounts of information accumulated over millions of years from the mental activities of all beings that have ever existed on Earth and those that exist now. This layer contains knowledge, information, thoughts, forms, ideas, and so on. The activity on our Earth is constantly growing, and with it, its energetic structures on the astral and mental planes. All these energy layers are constantly transforming, increasing in volume and density.

Everything is alive. The astral and mental planes of the Earth are largely occupied by egregores. What is an egregor? An egregor is an energy-informational structure created by the beliefs, thoughts, and emotions of a group of people united by a common idea. An egregor is an energetic entity. Egregores are vortex energy structures with their own amplitude, energy quantity, frequency, specific rotation speed, and a phase shift relative to each other. On the energy-information level, any egregor replicates the structure of the subtle bodies of people, similar to what I mentioned about the Earth. An egregor has an atmic body, enabling interactions between egregores. A buddhic body is found only in higher religious egregores; most social egregores lack this body as they do not have the potential of a living entity. The mental body is linked to the idea of the egregor. The astral body represents the egregor's overall energy. The etheric body forms through the sensations of people who are part of the egregor and create it with their collective presence.

In every egregor, a person experiences emotions (activating their astral body) and thinks (activating their mental body). The buddhic and causal bodies also participate in the interaction with egregores, but more at the level of understanding whether the egregor suits the person or not. All egregores are connected to the atmic bodies. Therefore, any egregor has a connection with the atmic body, unlike natural energy structures on Earth. Egregores can be said to be artificially created as they arise where several people unite under the banner of certain worldviews, goals, or even just spend time together enthusiastically.

During regression therapy, we disconnected from various egregores. However, an interesting point arises: for example, if we adhere to a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and many people follow this HLS, they already form an egregor. Egregores are not only destructive, draining our energy, but can also be formed by good intentions and actions of people. It's important to understand that everything is relative. Not all egregores are bad. If we disconnect from all egregores, we would feel completely isolated on Earth.

We would not feel a sense of community with people because wherever you look, there are egregores above us: HLS, sports, politics, art, cinema, classical music, pop music, and so on. We live in a world of egregores, and it’s important to know how to interact with them properly so that they don't drain too much energy but help us instead. An egregor will exist as long as there are people feeding it with their ideas. In turn, the egregor is interested in supporting the people connected to it, which can be utilized for personal benefits. By understanding this, various opportunities and help from the egregor can be gained, depending on its type.

Each egregor corresponds to a specific social level in society. These include the egregor of humanity, egregores of large countries, nations, religions, companies, kin, and family. Any egregor has a center containing its main settings. At the center of the egregor is its main idea and leaders who contribute to its development. The main thing in an egregor is the idea, which should be attractive to people so that they think about it and want to realize it. If the idea is worthwhile, it will be realized; if it’s useless, the egregor won’t last long. The situation in society constantly changes, and some egregores, even the largest ones, fade into oblivion. Some egregores can transform, such as modes of transportation: horse-drawn carriages were replaced by cars, and the egregor associated with transportation also transformed.

Why do egregores exist at all? Egregores are, above all, energy fields, that is, energy structures. They are forms of information existence in the material world. They are also a mechanism for managing the unconscious and conscious masses, though this is not their main purpose. An egregor forms automatically and doesn’t initially imply control. Over time, those who realize its existence can use it for their purposes. A person who has reached a high level of awareness understands that they live not only in the human world but also in the world of egregores. They consciously interact with them, choosing the egregores that align with their goals.

I'd like to discuss a common issue - the conflict between a person and an egregor. If you dislike a particular egregor, you generate negative emotions that reflect on the level of your aura and energy cocoon, on the levels of Sahasrara and Vishuddha. On the Sahasrara, there is estrangement from the egregor, and on the Vishuddha, condemnation. An attack on the egregor can also occur on the Ajna level as rejection or disdain. These negative impulses cloud our biofield. Many people conflict with various egregores, leading to a lot of negativity. Conflicts are attacks on the information field of the world in which the person lives and an attack on oneself.

As long as there is denial within you, your consciousness is tense, and you don’t see a part of the world, denying it. Inner harmony is absent. This suggests that everything in the world exists for a purpose, even if it is not yet clear. The world has certain laws that need to be respected and accepted, even if we don’t understand them.

Interaction between a person and an egregore happens as follows: any thought directed at the egregor is registered by it. A two-way mental communication channel is created, through which energy exchange occurs. A person influences the egregor with their thoughts, and the egregor influences the person's behavior with its energy. If a person's mental sphere is weak, they may become a fanatic, giving an enormous amount of energy to the egregor. Such a person is completely absorbed by the egregor, similar to a religious fanatic.

The central figure in an egregore receives the maximum amount of energy. Any attack on these people will be seen as an attack on egregor, and it will defend them. For example, on social media, when someone criticizes a popular blogger, their followers begin to defend them, similar to an egregor. This is an example, but there are more serious cases as well.

Predatory egregores protect their adherents as long as they are beneficial to them. When a person becomes unprofitable, the egregor forgets them.

In religions, the principle of the contract also applies: if something is recorded in the egregor’s contract and people believe in it, it becomes a reality. For example, the miracle of the Holy Fire happens because it is recorded in the religious egregor’s contract.

If you aim to tune in to someone through egregor inclusion, you need to determine which egregor the person belongs to, their mental attitudes, ideas, and worldview. By connecting to their egregor, you can be on the same wavelength with them.

If a person hates a particular egregor, you need to understand that they are already significantly connected to this egregor, but with the wrong tuning.

Egregores are not always insidious and don’t necessarily drain energy from a person, although predatory egregores do exist. Nevertheless, absolutely all egregores receive energy from people.

In essence, any egregor is neutral, but how you relate to it determines how much energy you will give to it.

Interaction with egregores should be conscious. We can decide how much energy to give to an egregore and how much and what quality to receive in return. It’s important not to become a fanatic and to maintain balance. The energy exchange ceases if we become uninteresting to the egregor or decide to disconnect from it.

Egregores can be represented as archetypes, such as the archetype of a caring mother. Interaction with the archetype of positive monetary beliefs can be beneficial and safe. Today I will introduce you to the Money Egregor, which is born from positive creative beliefs and emotions about money. The archetype of the egregor is represented as a Golden Calf, symbolizing prosperity, wealth, and wisdom. All knowledge, gentle power, tranquility, serenity, skills, except conflicting ones, also belong to the functions of the Golden Calf. Therefore, conscious interaction with egregores allows harnessing their strength and power for one's own purposes, ensuring safe and productive collaboration.

Book a session with me to experience a practice of connecting with the egregore of the Golden Calf and feel its power and positive influence firsthand!

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