Regression-Progressive therapy and the Akashic records can effectively collaborate, providing you with the opportunity to deeply explore past experiences to work through current traumas. Here's how it can unfold:
The collaborative use of Regression-Progressive therapy and the concept of the Akashic records can create a powerful tool for healing and transformation, enabling you to overcome current traumas and move forward with a fuller understanding and mindfulness.
The Akashic records is a concept suggesting the existence of a collective unconscious field storing information about every event, emotion, and thought throughout human history. It's a kind of "etheric library" where each soul leaves its trace. The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal knowledge and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.
According to this concept, each person has access to this library through their own energy aura, known as the Akasha. Envision being able to read not only your own "life records" but also those of others and events that have occurred in the past, are happening in the present, and will unfold in the future.
The Akashic records offer a unique approach to understanding life, evolution, and spirituality, uniting the past, present, and future into a cohesive whole. This concept asserts that the past, present, and future inevitably interweave through energetic imprints left by every action and thought. Opening the door to the Akashic records provides the opportunity not only to learn about one's individual history but also to gain a profound understanding of the collective destiny of humanity.
Thus, the Akashic records become gateways to the secrets of one's own soul and universal wisdom and harmony, where each life and event plays its unique role. The Akashic records grant individual explorers the chance to feel the unity of all living beings and their historical interactions.
Delving into healing through the synergy of Regression-Progressive therapy + the Akashic records:
1. Trauma Root Exploration: Regression-Progressive therapy is utilized to guide the client through past events where the sources of their current traumas originated. This helps identify the roots of problems and understand how past events might have influenced their current state.
2. Integration with Akashic Records: The visualization of the Akashic records can add depth and context to the regression. You can visualize their connection to collective energy and experience, allowing them to see their place in a larger time context.
3. Release of Energetic Blocks: During Regression-Progressive therapy, you can release energetic blocks associated with past traumas. Understanding and accepting the past through work with the Akashic records contribute to the healing of these energetic imprints.
4. Self-awareness and Transformation: Combining Regression-Progressive therapy with the concept of the Akashic records can foster profound self-awareness. The client gains the opportunity not only to work through traumatic events but also to see them in the context of their spiritual development.
5. Decision-Making Support: Understanding the past and its influence through the Akashic records can help you make more conscious decisions in the present, freeing them from traumatizing behavioral patterns.
The collaborative use of Regression-Progressive therapy and the concept of the Akashic records can create a powerful tool for healing and transformation, enabling you to overcome current traumas and move forward with a fuller understanding and mindfulness.